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Swing Trader Pro: Afternoon Briefing (03-16-2023)

March 16, 2023

From the Desk of Kimmy Sokoloff

Well, it's certainly nice to see some green on the screen!

$SPY made it above 393, and $QQQ was full speed ahead, up over 2%.

Here are today’s trades:

  • I bought $GOOGL on Feb. 16 at 97.37 and on Feb. 24 at 88.68. I sold at 88.90. I bought on March 2 at 91.91 and sold on March 3 at 93.18. I bought on March 15 at 95 and 96.40 and sold all shares today at 97.61
  • I shorted $GLD at 179.09 and covered at 178.56.
  • I shorted $META at 200 and covered at 199.
  • I bought $SNAP at 10.93 and sold at 11.08.
  • I bought $NVDA at 242.97 and sold at 244.
  • I shorted $VXX at 54.29 and covered at 53.26.

I also called out $MS at 86.70 and $GS at 310 for trades and $NFLX long for a move to 308.

I booked one loser:

  • I bought $UNH on March 14 at 469.72 and sold today at 469.

I have open long positions in $HES and $AMZN.

We ended Thursday on a nice note.

Now let's hope we can follow through.

Have a great evening. Look for the Morning Briefing on Friday.

And please reach out with any questions.

All Star Charts Team