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Swing Trader Pro: Afternoon Briefing (02-08-2023)

February 8, 2023

From the Desk of Kimmy Sokoloff

Volatility reigns!

Overall, the market consolidated but really couldn't decide if it wanted higher or lower.

Here are today’s trades:

I bought $NOC on Feb. 7 at 452.44 and sold today at 454.

I shorted $NVDA at 225.40 and covered at 223.76.

I bought $TSLA at 197.88 and sold at 199.80.

I shorted $MSFT at 270.90 and covered at 270.40.

I had three flat trades that eventually did go to target, but the market was too volatile. That list includes $SE, $TMUS, and $GOOGL.

I booked two losers:

  • I bought $OKTA at 77.66 and sold at 76.61.
  • I shorted $ABNB at 115.71 and covered at 116.12.

I have open short positions in $NKE and $SPY. And I have open long positions in $HES and $MARA.

We had a bunch of Fed speakers today, which added to the heightened uncertainty.

$SPY did manage to hold its eight-day moving average.

Look for the Morning Briefing on Thursday.

And please reach out with any questions.

All Star Charts Team