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Well That's a First...

January 3, 2023

What a year, eh?

The S&P 500 posted its worst return since 2008!

I think it's fair to say that if your portfolio survived 2022, you're doing a great job.

You even outperformed most funds and equity managers. Just think how well you can do in a more favorable environment.

To that point, just because it was a bad year for markets doesn't mean it had to be a bad year for YOU.

If you spent 2022 fighting trends by buying cryptocurrencies breaking support and fading the move in energy, you had a horrific year.

But, if you had a shred of discipline and respected the trends, you came out the other end to fight another year.

To quantify how poorly these markets held up, every single quarter this year, Bitcoin closed in the red.

That's the greatest consecutive tally of red quarterly closes in Bitcoin's brief history.

Remember when the mainstream financial media was pumping out these magazine covers?

"Bitcoin Storms Wall Street"

"The digital currencies will transform finance"

"Bitcoin goes mainstream"

Now it's nothing but doom and gloom.

"Crypto's Downfall"

"In Ruins: The Fall of a Crypto Empire"

"Searching for Returns"

All when Bitcoin's down 80% and many of the altcoins are down over 90%.

You think they're late to the bear market like they were to the bull party in 2017 and 2021?

Nothing like price to sentiment, right?

Do you think these markets are too stretched to the downside heading into 2023?

Or will these downtrends prevail?

No matter where your head's at, I think we can all agree that plenty of opportunities are developing for the new bull cycle.

Be prepared.

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Thanks for reading, and please let us know if you have any questions!

Allstarcharts Team




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