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Happy Festivus!

December 23, 2022

Whatever you celebrate (or ignore), I hope your 2022 ends better than it started.

In no particular order:

May your health be better.

May your relationships be stronger.

May your prospects be improved.

May your pets be happier.

May your finances be on track.

May your interests be ever more piqued.

May your assets steadily appreciate and your liabilities rapidly decrease.

May your neighbors thrive.

May your offspring strive.

May your wins be bigger and your losses be smaller.

May your days be filled with sunlight and your evenings filled with music.

May your sitting be replaced with standing and your walking replaced with hiking.

May the teams you root for be winning.

May the projects you’re working on be moving forward.

…and may your trading equity curve forever slope up and to the right.


~ @chicagosean

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