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New Leadership Emerging

December 19, 2022

This market environment is not like others that came before it.

Remember people used to complain that only 5 stocks were driving the market?

Now they complain that those 5 stocks aren't working.

But many others are.

And that's the point.

With new environments comes new leadership. We've seen this happen over many decades.

And those 5 stocks that everyone used to complain were driving the market, have now been laggards for quite some time.

I think people just like to complain.

But if you're like us, and would rather look for opportunities to profit instead of just bitching all the time, then it's important to look underneath the surface.

A great way to visualize the broader leadership vs just a few names is in the equally-weighted chart of the S&P500. This eliminates those mega-caps from dominating the indexes.

Here's how that looks compared to the market-cap weighted version:

You can see the same phenomenon in the Nasdaq.

Look at the equally-weighted index also making new multi-year highs relative to its cap-weighted counterpart.

Both charts are making new highs.

To me, this means that we want to continue to be more sector specific when it comes to our buy decisions.

For those of you following along, this is nothing new.

The S&P500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average have been stuck below overhead supply, hence our more neutral approach to those indexes.

But if you're only following the indexes, you may be one of those people who have been missing out on all the opportunities popping up in what could potentially be a new bull market.

It's less about the indexes, and more about the stocks.

That's the theme that keeps working.

Tomorrow night, Tuesday 12/20 @ 6PM ET I'll be hosting our Live Mid-Month Conference Call.

I will walk you step by step on our entire top/down approach to the market, what we're seeing and what's changed.

After this is complete, I will go sector by sector, continent by continent, picking out my favorite stocks and ETFs to take advantage of these trends as we head into the 1st quarter of 2023.

The Santa Claus Rally period starts this week. Are you ready?

Premium Members make sure to register here if you haven't already done so. We'll get going Live on Tuesday evening at 6PM ET Sharp.

If you don't have access to registration, just email me here or give Mary a call: +1 (323) 421-7910

See you there!

- JC


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