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Swing Trader Pro: Afternoon Briefing (12-08-2022)

December 8, 2022

From the Desk of Kimmy Sokoloff

The $SPX ran right into resistance today at 3,980 then pulled back in.

We really need above that level to trend higher. It would be best to also hold onto 3,950 on a closing basis.

Here are today's trades:

  • I bought $M on Dec. 7 at 23 and sold today at 23.26. I was looking for a higher exit, but it just didn't have the power.
  • I bought $MRNA at 181.77 and sold at 182.78.
  • I bought $AMAT at 108.18 and sold at 108.91.
  • I shorted $TMUS at 145.68 and covered at 143.61.
  • I bought $BABA at 93.33 and sold at 93.40. People in the live trading room made a buck. Sometimes it's hard to watch, talk about, and trade stocks at the same time.

I called out $NKE at 109.30 for a move to 110.50, and that target was achieved.

I also called out $NVDA long two days in a row.

I have open long positions in $AMZN, $SHOP, and $PAAS and an open short position in $MS.

We have more economic data tomorrow, so be on your toes.

Look for the Morning Briefing on Friday.

And please reach out with any questions.

All Star Charts Team