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People Are Angry...Good!

December 2, 2022

I'm not sure what everyone is so angry about, but I like it.

The pessimism out there is off the charts.

Investors are scared.

Risk aversion is dominating. Risk appetite is non-existent.

Here's the latest from the BofA Fund Manager Survey asking investors whether or not they're taking higher than normal risks.

The answer is that none of them are, fewer than at the worst parts of the Great Financial Crisis, when no one knew if there would even be a financial system anymore...

This is a good thing.

If everyone was happy and investors were taking on higher risk than normal, at scale, that would be a problem.

Investors are scared.

People are angry.

Pessimism rules.

Whenever I say anything even slightly positive I get looked at funny.

I've been at this for close to 20 years.

I know what this feels like. It's very familiar.

We've seen this before. It's just that the asset classes, gossip columnists and characters going to prison change.

But it's all the same thing.

So of course, this Monday night I will be discussing ALL OF IT.

If you want to join the winning team, and follow us into what we're buying, you can register here for Monday Night's Live Monthly Charts Strategy Session.

This is where we'll break it all down. Which sectors. Which stocks. And my #1 Trade for December.

You don't want to miss this!

Premium Members registration

If you're not already a Premium Member, then email me or just call Mary and she'll get you all set up: +1 (323) 421-7910

See you Monday!!

- JC