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Chart of the Day: The Sweet Spot For Markets

November 8, 2022

Last night's Live Conference Call went great.

We had a lot to discuss as more and more stocks keep making new highs and fewer and fewer stocks are making new lows.

This transition first got going back in June.

But now things are really picking up.

Premium Members can catch the replay of last night's call here and download all the slides.

Email me if you don't have access and Mary will set you up.

But the bottom line is, more stocks are going higher in price, more sectors are participating to the upside, and very few areas are still struggling.

And doesn't that make sense?

We're just entering the most bullish period of the entire year - November through January:

This is the sweet spot within the sweet spot.

Because not only is this the best time of the year to own stocks, it's also the most bullish period of the entire 4-year Presidential Cycle.

It's not about who wins the elections. Historically, it's more about the elections being behind us.

Stocks historically do very well at the end of Mid-term years and into the Pre-Election years.

That's now:

They tell you to not fight the fed.

But that's bullshit.

It's the tape that we don't want to fight.

So you decide.

How are you spending your time?

Are you looking for stocks to buy? Or are you spending your days looking for stocks to sell?

It's up to you.

Fortunately we chose the former.

I laid out all my reasons and my favorite ways to express our bullish approach during our Live Conference Call last night.

Premium Members can watch the replay here.

Let me know what you think!

- JC


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