FANG Hits New All-time Highs
FANG is just under $30 Billion market-cap, so technically it's considered "Large-cap" Energy.
But realistically, $30 Billion is nothing.
For us, the way we calculate market-caps, this stock is still in the Mid-cap category.
And the reason I mention this is to reiterate that there is still plenty of room left for price appreciation.
Remember, the top of the chart doesn't mean there's resistance there.
This one can still just be getting started.
The chart I find most hilarious is when you compare the Real FANG with that fake one they're shilling to the poor souls who don't know any better:
New multi-year highs for this spread...
Energy continues to be a global leader, regardless of your time horizon.
Have you noticed that the most of the angry investors these days are the ones who still own too much Growth?
You don't hear Energy investors complaining do you?
There are winners and losers, in both the markets and in life.
Fortunately we have a choice.
Is this a bear market for your portfolio? Or a bull market?
It's totally up to you.
- JC