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Chart of the Day: Energy Stocks Keep Winning

October 20, 2022

One of the things that continues to really stand out to me is the relentless outperformance in Energy stocks, even in the midst of a major correction in Crude Oil.

You can see it perfectly in this chart. Energy stocks today are making new 52-week highs relative to Crude:

When we talk about the strength in Energy stocks this year, the biggest thing that I think is going unnoticed is exactly this.

Stocks got crushed this year. Crude Oil fell 40% from its highs.

But Energy stocks don't care.

So if they don't care, then I certainly don't care.

We're going to keep buying them.

How about you?

What are you doing about this?

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Here are a few links to help you get caught up on our research:

Any thoughts?

- JC