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Swing Trader Pro: Afternoon Briefing (10-11-2022)

October 11, 2022

From the Desk of Kimmy Sokoloff

Starting at 11:00 a.m. ET, the market started to gain some traction and trended higher from the morning lows.

A little before 3:00 p.m., news from the Bank of England sent the indices all the way back down to the lows.

A round trip, to say the least...

This is one of the reasons I've been trading and taking profits quickly and rarely holding anything overnight.

I held $WFC overnight, and on this drop today I was stopped out at 40.80 from a 41.72 buy.

I stopped out of $EXPE as well right near the close at 92. It looked like it wanted to move today but dropped like everything else. It ran as high as 93.60. If the market kept going this would have moved nicely up to target at 95.

I'll just continue with the day-trades, no overnights until this market settles. There's just too much noise.

Here are today's trades:

  • I bought $VLO at 109.87 and sold it at 110.69.
  • I bought $TGT at 154.08 and sold it at 155.09. It  moved as high as 157.70 if you wanted to hold on.
  • I bought $BABA at 75.51 and sold it at 75.95; this was a bounce trade off the lows.
  • I bought $BA at 134.37 and sold it at 135.37.

I recommended two setups in the live trading room that I didn't take:

  • I recommended $XOM at 97.50 for a potential move to 98.70. That target was achieved.
  • I also recommended $JNJ at 162.68 for a potential move to 163.8. That target was also achieved

I booked one loser today:

  • I bought $TSLA at 224.43 and was stopped out at 223.25.

You have to be a chameleon in the market and adapt. Please manage your own risk and your own stops because this market can change on a dime!!

We'll see you live at the open Wednesday morning to start the trading day.

And please reach out with any questions.

All Star Charts Team