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When Do Bull Markets Begin?

September 19, 2022

You know how I know we've been in a bear market?

Because investors got hammered. And not just in 2022, but over the past year and half.

But specifically, look at the average household over the past 2 quarters. They're seeing record losses:


A lot of times I hear, "JC we still haven't seen enough pain".

Well, I think maybe we have.

We'll let price determine whether it has or not, but I'm going to be looking for stocks showing relative strength that stand out from the bunch.

If I'm not short enough this Fall, then I'm ok living with that.

We're looking to put money to work.

How about you?

Let me know which way you're leaning. How are you allocating your time? You looking to buy stocks here or sell them?

Email us here.

- JC