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Worry about yourself

September 8, 2022

You notice how folks these days are all up in other people's business?

What do the decisions other people make with their money have to do with you? or me?

I don't care if someone I don't know makes an irresponsible trade and blows up their account.

Why is that my problem?

Let them blow up.

It's probably for the best anyway. You gotta learn somehow.

But that's not of my concern.

You want to put all your life savings into NFTs? Go for it. I don't care.

You want to sit in cash during a bull market watching everyone make money but you? Sure. Knock yourself out.

Buy it at the top when you just can't take it anymore.

It's not something I need to waste brain energy on.

The average American investor hasn't had enough energy exposure and instead owned way too much tech?

Oh well. Not my problem.

You think Gold and Bitcoin are inflation hedges? Lol ok. Believe whatever you want. You're entitled to do that in this country.

But I need to worry about MY portfolio.

I need to focus on what I'M doing.

MY family needs me to help us.

I don't have the time or interest to worry about the decisions being made by people I don't even know.

It's not my business.

It's not my problem.

You can make it yours if you'd like.

I won't.

I'm in this for numero uno.

When it comes to investing my money, there's only one portfolio that matters.

Why should someone else's bad decisions interfere with that focus?

That would be foolish.

Worry about yourself.

I am.

And I'm not going to feel bad about it.



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