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PGC Sees Bullish Options Flow Amid California Grid Crisis

September 6, 2022

The most significant insider activity on today's list comes in a Form 4 filing by Juan Delgado-Moreira, vice-chairman of Hamilton Lane Incorporated $HLNE.

Delgado-Moreira reported a purchase worth roughly $1 million.

The founder and CEO of Life Time Group Holdings $LTH disclosed a purchase of approximately 12,000 shares of stock in the health and fitness company.

Here’s The Hot List, with data through September 2, 2022:

Ares Management LLC filed a 13D for Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings $CCO, revealing an increased ownership stake from 8.3% to 9.3%.

The chief financial officer at Solo Brands $DTC, Somer Webb, revealed a small purchase of stock.

In the options market, there was bullish flow in NCR Corporation $NCR, PG&E Corp $PGC, and Controladora Vuela Compania de Aviacion $VLRS.

Stay tuned. We'll be back Wednesday with more insider action.

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