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[PLUS] June Monthly Playbook: Trends, Opportunities, Risks

June 7, 2022

From the desk of Willie Delwiche.

This All Star Charts +Plus Monthly Playbook breaks down the investment universe into a series of largely binary decisions and tactical calls. Paired with our Weight of the Evidence Dashboard and our Playbook Chartbook, this piece is designed to help active asset allocators follow trends, pursue opportunities, and manage risk.

In Focus for June: We are still waiting for the evidence that the bear market in equities has run its course and a new bull market is being reborn. While the short-term risk environment has improved slightly over the last week or so, the overall environment tilts more toward risk than opportunity and our longer-term risk indicator is still in risk off territory.

Enduring a downtrend is not a prerequisite for participating in the ensuing uptrend. We will practice patience in the batter’s box until the market delivers fatter pitches on a more consistent basis.