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The Notorious Underworld of Anons and the Wassie

March 31, 2022

From the desk of Louis Sykes @haumicharts

Alright, time for a light-hearted story.

Over the last few months, I've jumped down the rabbit hole that is Crypto Twitter (better known as CT).

As someone who's snooped around Financial Twitter (or FinTwit), a community dominated by industry professionals, CMTs, and CFAs, opening the trapdoor into CT felt similar to the culture shock I would experience moving to a new country.

Anyone that's had a presence in CT knows the culture: anon (anonymous) accounts, constant meme-ing, and shit-posting from a community of outcasts and degenerates enjoying riding the volatility of a new generation of assets.

This carnage was the perfect breeding ground for the wassie...

As a figurehead of the crypto community, the wassie is a fictional green, frog-like creature with a life span of two weeks (less seriously, it's just a character people play on Crypto Twitter).

Our story begins amid the 2018 bear market.

An OG of the CT community, @cryptostardust, gained a strong following as a skilled trader. Though following drama with an NYU no-coiner economist, his account was banned.

From the ashes rose the now-infamous account and famous wassie that is @inversebrah. The account name on the inversebrah profile, starbust, is a little testament to this old account.

Inversebrah is the record keeper of CT -- a universal medium of the biggest dramas, memes, and developments in crypto. In the depths of the 2018 bear market, his memes and funny shit-posting raised the spirits of wrecked Twitter traders.

He can only best be described as a memes connoisseur. Much to the amusement of CT, inversebrah's persona brings a comical twist to the often over-serious and overcomplicated debate on cryptocurrencies and financial markets.

Inversebrah is most well known when traders, in hopes of getting approval from the wassie, tag him in funny, amusing, or cringe tweets. If he approves, he'll screenshot the tag and tweet it out.


He'll often accompany these tweets with his now famously terrible grammar, symbolic of the personalities of the typical anon accounts dominating crypto twitter.

This informal and laid-back approach is refreshing from other financial communities that always take things too seriously.


Though nobody knows who runs the account, his constant memes and role in the community made him an iconic phenomenon.

The simple characteristic of anonymity is a striking feature of the CT community.

Most of the best traders on the platform are entirely anonymous, each playing their own character. Whether it be @CL207 imitating a cute cat, @satsdart playing a wassie, or @pentosh1 pretending to be a penguin, anonymity is a cultural norm in these parts.


Inversebrah, and many other anon crypto accounts, emerged as traders.

Unlike hard ideological groups, like the Bitcoin/Ethereum maxis and no coiners, traders are just there to ride the volatility, make a quick buck and have a bit of fun on the way.

I think comedy and meme culture is underappreciated in finance as a way to effectively communicate important ideas -- the CT community and the anon culture that goes with it do it better than any other.


From the outside, this anonymity may seem confusing or even toxic. But, as I've come to know and understand the community, I've realized it's more authentic than the alternative found in traditional finance communities.

The CT culture is weirdly inspiring -- it's a collection of individuals hiding behind personas in the quest to learn and educate themselves on this new and exciting asset class.

It may be raw, crude, and informal, but it's the closest thing I've personally seen to an authentic financial community.

When you walk into this underworld, what may seem like a cesspool of terminally addicted Twitter shit-posters is actually an inspiring development for global finance in the emerging era of digital assets.

What do you think?

Let us know!

Allstarcharts Team



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