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It Doesn't Have To Make Sense

January 13, 2022

The frustration we're seeing from permabears is at a whole 'nother level these days.

I don't need to name and names. You know who they are. They've been calling the top since the last top. It's what they do.

They claim the system is broken. They cry that nothing matters anymore.

And to be clear, it's not that 'nothing' matters.

It's just that the things the market cares about, are NOT the things you think it should care about.

The market is a forward looking mechanism.

Why do you think so many stocks were already rolling over well before COVID? Why do you think Treasury Bonds and other defensive assets were already catching a bid before COVID?

Because these are forward looking instruments.

What we're seeing today is the market pricing in the things we're going to find out about later on this year.

The media will claim that it's "news", just because it may be news to them. But by then, that will have already been priced in, and the market will be looking out even further into the future.

The permabears will claim everything is broken. The media will lie to you about how the market is doing what it's doing "because" or "despite" that news that they claim is news.

But it will only be news to them, and people who are unaware of how the world actually works.

And then the cycle repeats itself.

You see, the market doesn't care about last week's "number". It's looking out quarters into the future.

Don't be a fool.

Price is the only news you need to know. The rest is glorified gossip, at best. Malicious distraction at worst. Usually plenty of both.

Grow up. Ignore that stuff.


New Trades

Make sure you're fully caught up on our latest reports.

The Young Aristocrats just dropped. These are stocks that have raised their dividends every year for between 5-9 consecutive years. Relative Strength + Paying Us To Make Money. I like that.

Our Follow The Flow report scans for very large aggressive bets by institutions in the Options markets. For every stock in this list, someone knows something. There are always hot names coming from this scan.

And our International Hall of Famers looks for the strongest stocks in the world outside of the United States. They all trade on US Exchanges but are domiciled elsewhere. There's always a bull market in a stocks or sectors somewhere in the world. This scan is designed to find those and does a heck of a job.

You can find all our trade ideas here.

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