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[PLUS] Weekly Observations & One Chart for the Weekend

December 10, 2021

From the desk of Willie Delwiche.

This idea came up in passing in our ASC+Plus weekly Townhall yesterday. The messy action in Copper looks a whole lot like the messy action in Berkshire Hathaway. After peaking in Q2 both have moved sideways. Copper has been more volatile than Berkshire, moving quickly to go nowhere. They are both up more than 20% for the year, but that has been true since late-April. It’s interesting that neither broke out to new highs in November and neither has (yet) broken down to new lows in December. When we get new highs or new lows from one or both of these bellwethers, we will definitely take notice. Until then it’s more sideways actions, with volatility in search of resolution. 

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