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[PLUS] Weekly Observations & One Chart for the Weekend

November 12, 2021

From the desk of Willie Delwiche.

I’m no crypto expert - I don’t even play one on TV. But every week seems to bring a new story about ways in which cryptocurrencies will not only stick around but see wider usage in the economy and as financial instruments. I have no idea if this will be the case, but new highs this week in Ethereum (and others) suggest the market is looking in that direction. Whether it is an investing fad, gold for a new generation of investors or an entirely new asset class remains to be seen. A survey published by Pew Research this week shows that while nearly half (43%) of males 18-29 have invested/traded/used cryptocurrencies, only about one-sixth of the overall US adult population has done so. So if it is sticking around, it could very well still be early days for this space. We’ve dipped our toes in this water, using ETHE to gain exposure in our Tactical Opportunity Portfolio. It’s been volatile this year, but the trend (which we are following) has been up and to the right. Regardless of asset class, new highs are hard to ignore.

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