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"I don't know" is the right answer

November 8, 2021

Most people are not comfortable saying, "I don't know".

That's the arb

This is where there's opportunity.

And it's funny when you think about how silly that is.

I mean, of course we don't know!

How could anyone possible know what's going to happen in the future? Stocks or otherwise.

Do I think stocks are in an uptrend and most of them will go up in price?

Yea definitely. That's what the weight of the evidence certainly suggests.

But do I know for sure?

No way.

No one does.

Do I think Oil can go to $150/barrel?


But do I actually know that's what's going to happen?

No way.

Do I think we're in the early stages of a web 3.0 revolution?

Yes absolutely.

But do I know for a fact that's what's going on?


Can I place my bets in ways that I think can help me and my family the most?

Yea, I have to. I don't have a choice.

As an investor, which many of us are (whether we want to admit it or not), the question always remains: Do we buy stocks, hold them or sell them?

We never "Know" what's going to happen.

And what's wrong with that?

So many people are so hung up on being right that they're scared to death of being wrong. So they'd rather make no decision at all, or just revert to old decisions and habits made by older generations.

They feel the need to be right. Or what ends up happening in reality is that they just avoid the opportunity of being wrong. That becomes the ultimate goal.

But recognizing that "I don't know" is ALWAYS the answer, is liberating.

It's a huge burden lifted off your shoulders when you realize you don't have to be right.

This isn't about being right, it's about making money.

That's the only goal here. Or it's the only goal you should have, in investing.

But since most of your fellow investors have a bigger desire of being right than they do of making money, there is opportunity there.

I see it in people fighting trends.

I see it in people avoiding new assets.

I see it every day in the way people make decisions about investing.

It's fascinating.

And this is where the arb lies.

Your competition has their goals mixed up.

It's our job to take advantage of that in the market.

But even with that, the benefits can already be seen before we even get to competition. The simple ability to make a decision without all the baggage that comes along with potentially being wrong, is a superpower.

It's inhuman to be naturally good at this. It's something that needs training.

Being wrong all the time is great for this.

And after doing this for close to a couple of decades now, I've been wrong plenty.

I'm numb to it at this point.

Yea I can be wrong about stocks. And if I'm proven wrong we'll get out and go buy something else.

Yea I can be wrong about Oil. So what? I feel like I'm always wrong about oil. That shit is crazy.

Is web 3.0 just a fad and likely going away soon like beanie babies?

Yea, that can most definitely happen.

But that's not the bet I'm making.

That's certainly not what price is suggesting.

And I trust price.

I let price tell me when I'm right or wrong.

And even when we are "right", how right were we really?

If I bought a stock and it went up, why didn't I own more it? If I only had 10% of the portfolio in it, why didn't we have 100%, if I'm so smart?

So my point is, even when we're right, we're still wrong.

And that's something a lot of people have a hard time with.

So I say get over it.

Deal with it.

Take the losses. Get back up. Take more losses. Get up again. Then get knocked out thinking you can't get back up. But then get back up. And take more losses.

After time those knockouts hurt less. You learn to fall softer.

At a certain point you don't even feel it anymore. You don't even have to worry about getting back up.

You're standing up strong every day no matter what.

Win, lose or draw it's just another day.

It's ok to say you don't know.

Because we all know that you don't actually know.

Own that.

It's a superpower.

Our Favorite Trades Today

There's a lot going on in the market. We like having so many opportunities to profit. It's just up to us to isolate the very best ones.

You can find the entire buy & sell list here.

Or dive into our individual reports:

Hall of Famers - Top 100 US Stocks

Commodity ETFs - Looking for Commodity Exposure?

The Short Report - The worst stocks in the world

Under The Hood - Stocks showing unusual increase in investor interest.

International H of F - Top 50 Foreign stocks that trade in the U.S.

Follow The Flow - Stocks w/ Unusual Options Activity

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- JC


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