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[PLUS] Weekly Observations & One Chart for the Weekend

October 15, 2021

From the desk of Willie Delwiche.

If there is something to know about me when it comes to the market, it’s this: When I have a chance to talk about the Value Line Geometric Index, I don’t let it pass. The Value Line index is still a smidge further below its June high than the S&P 500 is from its September high, and the Value Line index has not (yet) re-claimed the lead on a YTD return basis. But over the past month, it has provided some leadership, showing the S&P 500-based indexes the path through the 50-day average. While the cap-weight index (SPY) has changed little over the past month, the equal-weight index (RSP) is up nearly 2% and the Value Line index is up more than 3%. I continue to believe that will be the theme of the fourth quarter.

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