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[PLUS] Weekly Observations & One Chart for the Weekend

September 24, 2021

From the desk of Willie Delwiche.

The story this week was bond yields and the mounting evidence that they are ready to move higher. 10-year yields in the US and Germany have climbed to their highest levels since July. The US 10-year T-Note yield has broken above 1.40% and could soon have 1.75% again in its sights. A 2-handle by the end of the year would not be surprising. Except for the May/June time period, German yields are the least negative they have been since crossing the zero threshold in mid-2019. These moves may reflect inflation expectations, but with the rise in the 2-year T-Note yield this week (highest level since March 2020) it is also the bond market taking seriously the possibility that the Fed will soon be joining the 30% of global central banks that have already begun to raise interest rates. For investors, this could be an opportunity to rotate back into cyclical sectors that do well in rising rate environments.

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