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Scams & Bubbles FTW

September 3, 2021

Here's the thing.

There are going to be scams and bubbles on wall street. Humans and money are the necessary ingredients to create them.

We know that going in.

I keep being told that some of these growth stocks are in bubbles. Or that some of these Crypto Currencies are Scams.

My point is, So what?

What if some of them are bubbles or scams?

Why is that our problem?

The best part about being a trader or investor, is that IF you can sell assets at higher prices than where you buy them, you make money. It's really just letters and math.

So if we profit from a bubble or a scam, we don't have to give the money back.

That's a pretty sweet deal.

The implications of any bubble or scams are somebody else's problem.

There are plenty of people out there who hate making money and would rather just point out scams and bubbles and not profit from them. They like to complain and talk about how smart they are, but then they don't make any money from it.

That sounds like a terrible way to invest.

I say let's go find some bubbles and scams. They usually have nice trends to profit from.

And just to be clear, whether we like it or not, we all have exposure to some kind of shady business.

If you think for one second that all those companies in your Emerging Markets fund are doing everything by the book, you're crazy.

Even the American companies. If you own any broad based funds in your 401k, IRA or personal accounts, not a day goes buy where you don't have exposure to some kind of fraud and/or bubble.

It's fine.

We're just looking for trends.

If all these Cryptos end up going to zero, that isn't anything that we'd care about. If Tesla and Elon end up being the next Theranos, that wouldn't matter to me at all.

Those things aren't my problem.

We're just trying to sell things higher than where we buy them.

Besides, I'm not smart enough to know whether an uptrend is a scam or a bubble. We don't find out until much later on anyway.

So I can either miss out on a great trend thinking (hoping) it's a scam or a bubble, or I can just take advantage of the trend and not worry about any of that other stuff.

I like the second one better.

How about you?



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