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If You're Not Long, You're Short

August 18, 2021

At this point, the data has spoken.

If you're not long Crypto Currencies in one capacity or another, you're essentially short the space.

There is that much alpha being left on the table if you're not involved.

We can get into what's happening with all these protocols and platforms, or you can just focus on price. Fortunately, the latter happens to be our area of expertise.

The bottom line is this: If the Bitcoin vs S&P500 ratio is above 7.0, you HAVE to be long. Period.

There have been plenty of great trades in Crypto: Solana, Cardano, Luna, Ethereum and many others.

These days it's harder to find Cryptos that have not done well. The space is in a bull market.

And if Bitcoin can get back into the 50s, it would confirm all that strength we've seen in all those Altcoins.

The biggest losers of them all have been the Gold investors. Doing some back of the napkin math, you're not going to find a worse investment over the past year than Gold.

You can see a similar picture when looking at the Bitcoin vs Gold ratio:

Like the first BTC/SPX chart, if the BTC/GC chart is above those 2018 highs, you gotta be long.

For me, it's that simple.

How you express the bullish thesis can vary drastically depending on your time horizon, risk tolerance and overall objectives.

But it's 2021. There are no excuses.

You can open up a wallet in minutes. You can own products through Osprey Funds. There are even individual stocks with a very high positive correlation to Crytpo, who have plenty of exposure to the space.

It's easy to get involved today. So the whole, "I don't understand it" stuff, is just an excuse for being lazy.

And don't get me wrong. I'm not here to tell anyone what to do. Quite frankly, I don't give a damn what you do. I'm just here calling it like I see it and telling you what WE'RE doing!

And if you're here reading this, it's probably because something you've read or watched here before helped you out and you've come back for more insight.

And for that I appreciate you.

By now, you probably also know that I'm not one of these weird laser eye diamond hands people. I don't care whether these coins all go to zero or a million.

Maybe this is a bubble. Hopefully it is. There's always a ton of money to make during bubbles.

Will there be people left holding the bag? Of course. But so what? That's not our problem. That's their problem.

Right now the trend is up.

This is what we're seeing.

If you're not long, you're short.





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