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Checking In On Public Sentiment

January 7, 2021

With the stocks in the U.S. and all over the world breaking out to new all-time highs, how do you think people are reacting to it?

Do you see excess optimism out there?

I don't.

These are the types of magazine covers we're seeing while the S&P500, Dow Jones Industrial Average and Nasdaq Composite are all making new all-time highs.

To me, this is just another brick to add to the "wall of worry" that stocks continue to climb.

Now let's rewind and see what kind of sentiment information these magazine covers have provided over the past year.

Remember the stampeding robot bulls in February? That was awesome!

The memo about Earth being closed the day the stock market bottomed was pretty classic too.

Anyway, stocks are making new highs and the media continues to portray pessimistic views.

In my experience, that's a really bullish combination.

Are you buying stocks? Tell me why not.

Here's why we've been buying so aggressively.



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