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[Options] Hold Your Fire

October 30, 2020

It's been a slow "ideas" week here at All Star Options for obvious reasons: the markets are getting destabilized ahead of the election and news flow on the Covid19 front.

As JC likes to remind us often -- there are no called strikes on Wall Street. We can sit in the batters box with the bat on our shoulders and just look at pitch after pitch without taking a swing.

This is one of those times.

We're going to sit tight until Wednesday next week and let things shake out. We've got plenty of positions on right now that will keep us busy. By design, all of our current open positions have defined risk and while pullbacks in many of these positions are no fun, at least we've already accepted the risks up front and know with certainty we'll survive any worst-case scenario outcomes.

We'll just keep sticking to the risk management plans of each individual position. That's the only thing we can control. Thankfully, that's the only control we need.

If you have any questions on any open positions, please send them here.

~ @chicagosean

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