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[Podcast] My Interview With Jack Schwager - Author of Market Wizards

October 27, 2020

I've done over 115 Podcast episodes and I don't remember being this excited to interview someone. I've read all the Jack Schwager books and some of them multiple times. I know traders who regularly read these chapters as part of the mental training.

Think about it, Jack has interviewed the greatest traders in history. All of them. It's incredible. And you know what strategies he uses to trade his own personal money? Technical Analysis.

He's interviewed all of the best traders for his Market Wizards books. And he says about half of them choose their market direction using Technical Analysis. But almost all of them have some sort of Technical component for risk management. This concept of Risk Management is the one common denominator between all of the most successful Traders.

Jack also pokes fun at the Efficient Market Hypothesis, which you know always brings a smile to my face. He discusses some of the success of these traders and how their consistent returns over such long periods of time completely dismiss what he refers to as the Deficient Market Hypothesis.

Don't walk to listen to this one. Run!

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