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Louis' Look: Five Charts You've Never Seen

October 20, 2020

From the desk of Louis Sykes @haumicharts

Welcome to this week's edition of Louis' Look where I give you the inside scoop on what I'm learning as an intern at All Star Charts. Last week I wrote about having a sense of humor in the financial world with a reference to the infamous John Cena pattern in stock of Worldwide Wrestling Entertainment.

Today I thought it'd be entertaining to step back from the lessons and bring five charts you have probably never seen, thought of, or come across.

I had a lot of fun writing this one, so let's get into it.

One topic we've been continually bringing up is the strength of Frontier Markets and its role for risk appetite. It was a topic in the latest RPP Report.

Most people would stop at the Frontier Markets ETF $FM and move on. Being a nerd for this stuff, however, I spent an evening sifting through Nigerian and Kuwait Bank stocks (why not?), and I thought I'd bring this one to you.

The Zenith Bank of Nigeria has been on a tear, it's broken out and continues to see upside. Not that I would ever touch this thing with a ten-foot pole, but it's interesting information that even the riskiest areas on Earth are catching a bid.

To keep on this international theme, I'd like to bring your attention to my dear friend, va-Q-tec.

Believe it or not, that's the name of a German Containers & Packaging company in the business of vacuum insulation packaging. They also happen to be breaking out a multi-year base to all-time highs.

You don't need to travel far in the World to find names that are progressing higher.

Over these parts, you'll repeatedly hear the line 'from failed moves, come fast moves in the opposite direction'. This tenet applies to any asset class around the World.

So, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention O2Micro International $OIIM. It's a company in the business of producing electrical components out in the Cayman Islands.

Even a Micro-Cap based in the Caymans is no exception to the fundamental laws of technical analysis.

This is one example of a million to why we should embrace, not shy away from failed moves.

Pulling our attention away from shaky and volatile names, have you come across this neat breakout in DRP Inc $DOOO?

We have.

This Canadian recreation vehicle producer has widely slipped under the radar despite this substantial breakout. My point here is that there is such a wide range of potential setups to choose from - whether that be a mid-cap Industrial stock in Germany to the $2 trillion Apple.

In more cases than not, you just have to look under the hood to find them.

Last, but not least, I thought I steer away from the stock market and introduce you to a classic Cryptocurrency.

If you're not one of these Crypto-bugs, you probably get caught up in the World of Bitcoin and Ethereum - and for good reason, most of the other alt-coins have drastically underperformed.

But could this stereotype be changing for Monero?

It seems to have carved out a massive base on an absolute basis and relative to Bitcoin.

While the rest of the Crypto space looks lackluster in the short term, could this be an upcoming poster-child for this space?

Who knows...

If I know one thing, it's that journeying into these forgotten charts has reminded me of the incredible amount of information and insight which hides away in areas where people don't want to look.

Not only is it just plain fun diving into some of these charts, but it reminds us that some of the best trends that are taking place often go completely unnoticed by most.

Thanks for reading this week's Louis' Look, and I encourage you to get in touch to share with me some unique charts you've come across too.


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