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A Tactical Trade In Natural Gas

January 8, 2020

Typically when looking for trades we're searching weeks and months out, but occasionally the reward/risk in a setup justifies trading the shorter-term timeframe.

Today, that trade is Natural Gas.

Here's a daily chart of Natural Gas, which fell 60% from its 2018 high to its August 2019 low. Since then, prices have been meandering around those lows, with momentum staying in a bullish regime. This week, prices are attempting to break back above broken support at 157 which would confirm a failed breakdown and shift the reward/risk back in the bulls favor.

Click on chart to enlarge view.

This type of failed move traps sellers and creates a natural buyer if prices can get back above support at 157. We'll define our risk against that level and look for a move up towards 200, at which point we can reevaluate and see if our secondary target of 225 is in reach.

This is a counter-trend move so it's low probability in nature, but given the few points of potential downside and 40+ points of potential upside, it's worth taking a shot on the long side.

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