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We Want To Be Buying Stocks

October 21, 2019

This is my favorite time of the month - preparing for our Live Monthly Conference Call. It really gives me an opportunity to gather all of the evidence, put my thoughts and ideas down on paper and then explain it all in under an hour. It's all pretty awesome!

In this call we talk about the US Stock market and where it fits within the Global Market complex. Throughout this process we're also analyzing the commodities, interest rates and currency markets that apply to each country. Only then do we break things down to individual sectors and their sub industry groups to finally find the best stocks to express a bigger thesis.

We call this the top/down approach and I'm pumped to go through it all on Tuesday's Call.

Over the weekend I was going through all of the International Markets and could not help but noticed the strength popping up all over the world: Japan, Brazil, Europe and more recently Taiwan. One chart that really stood out was the Global Dow Index. I don't know why I don't see more people talking about this one.

It's a hidden secret I guess and even Strazza makes fun of me because he says I'm the only one who talks about the Global Dow. Look at the components. It's an important list, and probably weighted pretty well, if you ask me:

Click On Chart To Zoom In

Is this a chart you want to be buying? Or one you want to be selling?

I don't really know how else to put it. For me it doesn't get more clear. If we're above the 2007 highs, how can we possibly not be aggressively buying US Stocks from any sort of intermediate to longer-term time frame? Short-term, yea sure things are a little messy in some indexes and sectors. But let's take a step back and recognize what's really going on here.

Am I crazy? Tell me I'm wrong.



Don't Forget To Register For Tuesday's Live Conference Call
