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The 120 Best Charts In The World

August 16, 2019

What is the best chart in the world right now? I don't know. I guess that really depends on your time horizon, risk tolerance and overall market goals. These are different for all of us.

Today, I want to share what I think are collectively the 120 best charts. The way I see, there is no ONE chart that can tell today's story. But as a unit, these 120 slides give us a good look at the current market environment.

Every month I host a Live Conference Call for Premium Members of All Star Charts. This month only we're letting everyone in so you can see what all the fuss is about. I encourage you to watch the full video here. I'm confident you'll find value in it.

With each call, we give Premium Members the ability to download the slide deck with all the charts. Some people like to print them out and write on them, and others just like to keep them filed to get ideas on which new charts to add to their arsenal.

Here is the slidedeck from this month's call:

If you would like to be invited to this Conference Call every month, it is usually $1679 for the year. Today we are giving you complete access to the Monthly Calls, My entire Private Chartbook (with over 1000 charts), the Trade Ideas page and direct access to me and the rest of the team for just 1199! That's less than $100/mo. It would be irresponsible not to be a Member!

Join us today with this risk FREE trial!

Ping me after you sign up and introduce yourself. Look forward to chatting!