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All Star Interviews Season 3, Episode 3: "Riley The Intern"

July 26, 2019

This is a podcast about Technical Analysis and its practitioners. I think we've done a good job of bringing in some of the top technicians in the business, and in some cases, some of the best that ever did it. My goal when I first started this was to talk to people who bring different perspectives on the subject and on the markets in general. We've had Portfolio Managers, Analysts, Traders, Authors and Psychologists come on regularly over the past few years. Today I am thrilled to invite Riley Rosenberger to the podcast to get his point of view on Technical Analysis and what it feels like to start a career as a trader. Riley interned for us last year after spending some time training with SMB Capital in New York City. "Riley The Intern", as he's known in some circles, brings a unique perspective that we haven't heard on this podcast before. When he first decided that he wanted to learn about trading, his High School teacher in Colorado told him to think about doing something else. She said he didn't have the pedigree for that. I love that he ignored her and I love even more that every time I see him, he has a new book in his hand. He's always learning and constantly goes out of his way to get ahead. I appreciate that and I really think you'll enjoy this conversation. I certainly did!

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