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I'm Coming To London, Athens and Amsterdam

May 10, 2019

In early June I'm coming to Europe to talk charts, meet with clients and try to learn as much as I can. I've been incredibly fortunate over the years to be able to speak at events and meet with investors all over Asia and around America. My trips to India, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia and the Philippines have been great experiences that help me throughout my process every single day. Learning and experiencing as much as I can has easily been the most rewarding investment I've ever made.

My goal on this trip is to finally get to meet with people I've been interacting with regularly for many years, catch up with old friends who live there that I only get to see in the States, and getting new perspective from local clients and colleagues. That's the whole point. If you only hang out with people from New York, or the U.S. for that matter, you're only seeing things from that same lens. I want to know how other people look at things. That's how we grow.

If you're in Europe and want to make the trip, or if I'm coming to your backyard that's even better! I'll walk you through my process using the Top/Down Intermarket approach and we'll look at charts from around the world and discuss the most important themes and trading opportunities. 

Athens - June 3, 2019 6PM - Syntagma Office

Free Registration for the Athens Event

London - June 6, 2019 6PM - 8PM - CMT Association

Free Registration For UK Chapter Meeting

Amsterdam - June 11, 2019 15:45-17:00 - CFA Society

Free Registration For CFA Society VBA Netherlands

Dublin - June 13, 2019 - Time/Location TBD

Free Registration

Make sure to let me know if you're in London, Amsterdam, Athens or Dublin. Even if you're just outside one of these areas and can make the trip, I think it will be a lot of fun. We'll grab drinks after each of these events so I'll be around afterwards for any questions and discussions.

Looking forward to it!



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