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All Star Interviews Season 2, Episode 6: Ryan Detrick of LPL Financial

September 21, 2018

In this episode I asked my friend Ryan Detrick to come talk about the quantitative work he does as part of the technical analysis he provides for advisors at LPL Financial. I have been following his work for years and have gotten to know Ryan well during that time. I was really looking forward to this conversation and it exceeded all of my expectations. Ryan does an excellent job of using basic mathematics to debunk popular myths told to investors about the market. We discuss the impact of a rising rate environment on U.S. stocks, the Yield Curve, Stock Market Seasonality and some of the things he is currently seeing in the market. This is a can't-miss episode!


Higher Rates Are Usually A Good Thing

Total Months

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Manufacturing Strength

Beginning of a Recession

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Effective Federal Funds Rate


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S&P500 5-month Win Streaks

Forward Returns

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S&P500 Returns after 6 months of No New Highs

Forward Returns

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S&P500 Up in April, May, June, July & August

Forward Returns

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Inverted Yields Curves Are Not Immediate Trouble

Time From Inversion To Peak

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