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[Free Chart(s) of the Week] Nifty 50 Makes 5-Month Highs

July 11, 2018

Large-caps in India have been on a tear relative to their small and mid-cap counterparts, which we've spoken about at length over the last few months. With that said, it's no surprise to see that the Nifty 50 is leading to the upside once again by clearing its recent range on an absolute basis and making new 5-month closing highs.

What this breakout re-affirms to us is that we want to be long large-cap stocks in some of the strongest sectors like Financial Services, IT, Consumer Goods, and even potentially Energy and Pharma. Sure, some stocks within large-caps are weak and we've written about that for premium members here and here, but this is a cap-weighted index and the sectors that are weakest collectively account for only a quarter of the index.

Click on chart to enlarge view.

In addition to the Nifty 50 on an absolute basis, we also want to be watching it relative to the Smallcap 100 index. The chart below shows the massive out-performance of large-caps relative to small-caps year-to-date. After an aggressive run in this ratio, we may be due for a bit of a pause as this ratio approaches potential resistance at the 38.2% retracement of its 2013-2018 decline. Still though, on an absolute basis the Nifty 50 has the cleanest trend of the large, mid, and small-cap stock indexes.

The Bottom Line: Large-cap stocks in India continue to lead and we want to be buying the strongest of them. This breakout in the Nifty 50 has a price target nearly 17% higher at 12,820 as long as prices are above 10,530, so we've got room to run in this new leg higher.

Premium members of Allstarcharts India can check out all of the updated charts with risk management levels and targets for the index's constituents in our Nifty 50 Chartbook.

If you're not a premium member but enjoyed this post, consider joining our community by signing up for our "Free Chart of the Week" or starting a risk-free trial to access updates on these charts, analysis of all Nifty 50 stocks, and other premium research.

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