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Watch The Videos Of All The Presentations At Chart Summit 2018

February 2, 2018

Chart Summit 2018 is in the books. What another great day of thought out presentations filled with both educational and timely actionable material. We try to make it a point here not to live life in theory, but in reality. I go to too many conferences where all the discussions are purely academic and theoretical. Listen, I understand that this sort of material is 'evergreen' and can be watched for a long time afterwards. Sure, and I like some of that too, don't get me wrong. But we're here in the market to make money. So we want to see you put your tools to work in the current market environment. What are we buying and what are we selling? Let's make sure to talk about what's most important!

This year I invited a group of presenters that I thought each brought a different perspective on the markets. Last year I tried to do something similar, but the 2018 Chart Summit was unique in many ways. Once again, we were broadcasting live from the internet on a Saturday so our audience was all over the world in the comfort of their own houses, flats and dorm rooms. The diversity of attendees was one for the record books, in terms of age, sex, location and occupation.

I could not be more proud of our amazing presenters. This crew hit it out of the park!

Here is the latest Technical Analysis Radio podcast episode where I invited young technician, up-and-comer Tom Bruni, otherwise known as @BruniCharting to come and talk about Chart Summit 2018. We point out our favorite charts, best presentations, biggest surprises and other superlatives from this year's event.

Also, you can fill out the form below to receive an email with a link to all the videos of the presentations from this year's Chart Summit:

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