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Podcast Season 1 – Ep 15 – Scott Redler, Chief Strategic Officer at T3 Live Trading Group

January 4, 2018

Scott Redler has been trading for almost 20 years. He's been through the ups and downs in the market on a daily basis and that is something I have a tremendous amount of respect for. Not many people can say this and still be alive and doing better than ever. I'm happy for him and could not be more thrilled to have him as a guest on the podcast. Today Scott is the Chief Strategic Officer at T3 Live where he gets to trade throughout the day as well as share his ideas with the world every single day of the week. In this conversation, Scott walks us through a normal day in his world, what he's currently seeing in Technology and Energy stocks, where he did well last year and some interesting thoughts on the crypto-currency world. What I loved about this episode is that we have a trader speaking from the heart and letting us into his head so we can all become better and wiser investors. I really enjoyed this and I hope you do as well.

You can learn more about Scott Redler All Access Here

  • Nasdaq100 December 8, 2017 $QQQ –
  • Energy Sector Index $XLE –
  • Oil Services $OIH –
  • Alibaba $BABA –
  • Amazon $AMZN  –
  • Netflix $NFLX –
  • Bitcoin –
  • Ethereum –
  • Silver –

Nasdaq100 December 8, 2017 $QQQ


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Energy Sector Index $XLE


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Oil Services $OIH


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Alibaba $BABA


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Amazon $AMZN


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Netflix $NFLX


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