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Exciting Announcement: New EDUCATION section added to All Star Charts

June 6, 2017

Earlier in 2017, I mentioned this was going to be an exciting year filled with new additions to I’m excited to announce one of the many today with the launching of All Star Charts EDU. This new addition is an educational section of the site dedicated to helping users grow their knowledge of technical analysis. With each one of these tools and principles, I also explain how I personally use it and how it helps me throughout my process. I think this will give you a better understanding as to how I approach the market and can also be used as a resource in the future.

In honor of the All Star Charts EDU launch, this content will be FREE to all users to view for a limited time. We will be adding new content and refining the current sections as time goes on but we would like to give everyone a chance to check out this new feature.

I'm lucky that I get to speak with investors on a daily basis from all over the world. Throughout my career I've been very fortunate to have met a lot of smart Technicians, become close friends with some of them, read their books and even have debates about the current market environment on a regular basis. I hold a Chartered Market Technician designation that took me years to accomplish. There has been a lot of trading, reading and studying to get to where we are today. Because of all of this experience, there is often a lot that I take for granted with respects to what I know and what I assume everyone else knows. This is my mistake and I'm trying to make up for it.

Sometimes I'll have readers email me asking me for more information on momentum, so I'll send them a link to a post I've written in the past. Other times I get asked about Fibonacci or Relative Strength. Again, I forward over a link to a past post I've put together. Now everything is organized in one place. This didn't happen over night. We have developers who have been working on this for some time and now that the infrastructure has been built I can add to this regularly at my own pace. That's the idea.

I have a long list of posts that I have written on in the past and would like to expand on, as well as new topics that I have not covered as well as I would have liked throughout the 7 years of All Star Charts. Think of this as a new blog within a blog. While I use the site as a platform to think out-loud and put ideas down on paper, I now have a new avenue with which to express my thoughts and concerns about different topics of interest to all of us.

We are starting out with 4 simple Modules for the initial launch of All Star Charts EDU:

1) Intro to Technical Analysis

2) Criticisms of Technical Analysis

3) Technical Analysis In Practice

4) Helpful Technical Tools


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me here. Also, I encourage you to share these modules with friends and colleagues who you think might be interested in expanding their knowledge of price behavior. I am confident that these tools can be helpful in some way to every single investor in the world.

Thanks for all of you support over the years. Stay tuned for more announcements to come with new additions to the site!



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