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Why Indian Markets Are On My Radar

April 11, 2017

We're in the market to make money. It should not matter whether that money is made in Energy stocks, Technology, U.S. Equities, European or Chinese. The point is to find opportunities as they come, wherever they come from. I think as we progress into 2017 it is becoming very clear to me that we need to be focused on what is going on in India. Whether we're looking at the currency or the stock market, something interesting is happening here and I think it would be irresponsible of us to ignore.

First of all, look at what is happening in the currency. Here are India Rupees breaking out against the U.S. Dollar out of a multi-year downtrend. This is a powerful breakout that is likely leading to gains further long in 2017:



Next, here is the NIFTY 50 breaking out to new all-time highs above the former overhead supply from 2015 and 2016. New all-time highs are not a characteristic of downtrends:



Here is the NIFTY500 priced compared with the NIFTY Bank Index showing how closely they move together. Both of them are breaking out to new highs:

NIFTY500 & NIFTY Bank Index 


This is a market we want to be watching. I will be providing a lot more interesting analysis that I've been putting together on stocks from India in the very near future.

Make sure you have full access to Allstarcharts in order to receive Technical Analysis on stocks from India.




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