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[Chart Of The Week] The Most Bullish Chart In The World

July 18, 2016

Since late March and early April, most of the major stock market indexes around the world, U.S. included, consolidated in a sideways range. The dilemma/argument among my friends and I was in which direction would these consolidation resolve? As it turns, out, it has been to the upside. We're not just seeing the S&P500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average breaking out to new highs, we're seeing similar behavior around the world.

Today we're looking at what I think is the most bullish chart on earth.

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[hide_from visible_to="member"]The Mexican Bolsa has been in a sideways range for over 4 years. This massive consolidation comes after the Bolsa almost trippled off the 2008 lows. After major rallies, markets can consolidate in one of two ways: sideways through time or to the downside through a price correction. The former of the two is by far the most bullish way for prices to digest gains.

Here we are looking at a weekly chart of the $MXX now breaking out to the upside of this 4+ year range. Our upside target is now above 51,600, which is based on the 161.8% extension of the entire consolidation since 2012. With momentum in a bullish range (not getting oversold on any of these declines), I believe this breakout is imminent.

Click Chart to Zoom in 

Mexican Bolsa

There is an exchange traded fund $EWW that tracks the MSCI mexico Index. I think in the short-term this ETF has another 10% of upside left in it. Moving forward we only want long exposure in Mexico if the Mexican Bolsa is above the upper end of this 4-year range.
