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[Free Webinar June 2nd 7PM ET] How To Profit From These 15 Charts This Summer

May 31, 2016

This weekend I took advantage of some time off to go over every single chart that I follow from all over the world. These include U.S. Stocks, Sectors and Indexes, International Indexes, Commodities, Currencies and Interest Rate Markets. There are many people complaining about the uncertainty in the current market environment. But I would argue that there is always uncertainty in the market and today is no different.

This Thursday at 7PM ET I will show you what I think are the 15 most important charts to watch in the world. We will discuss stocks like Apple and Nike, Commodities such as Gold, Silver, Crude Oil and Natural Gas, Currencies including the Dollar and Japanese Yen, U.S. Sectors such as Biotechnology and Gold Miners, as well as U.S. and Global Interest Rates and Bond Markets.


I will take you through my process and explain how I arrived at each of my conclusions. We approach markets first from a marco level, then work our way down to the individual stock level. Once we've identified actionable risk/reward setups, we use a much shorter timeframe to identify tactical entry/exit points. I think today is as good a time as any to initiate new positions, both long and short, to profit throughout the summer months. There will be a ton of actionable setups - make sure you attend.

Click Here To Reserve Your Seat Now

But unfortunately space on this webinar is limited. In the past, our webinars have reached their max capacity on the first day or two, so be sure to claim your spot quickly.

This is Free for all to attend!



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