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Technology Is Crashing Relative To The S&P500

May 3, 2016

As we all know, the S&P500 is a cap-weighted index. In other words, the largest companies by market capitalization (AAPL, XOM ,MSFT, FB etc) represent the largest percentage weighting in the index. The bigger the company, the more important it is to the index. There are 10 (9?) sectors in the S&P500, and Technology is by far the largest one. Therefore one can argue it is the most important one. We can make an argument that Financials are America's most important sector, but for the purposes of this conversation, let's agree on the fact that Tech is the largest and therefore the most important of the bunch, representing around 20% of the entire index.

Today we are looking at the S&P Technology Sector ETF relative to the S&P500. When this chart is going up, Tech is outperforming S&Ps. When this chart is falling, S&Ps are outperforming Tech. Take a look at this chart. Technology is literally crashing vs S&Ps:

tech crashing vs spx

When America's largest and most important sector is crashing relative to it's peers, is that a bullish development for the stock market? I would argue that it is not.

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