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Bloomberg Appearance: Structurally The U.S. Stock Market Now Looks Even Worse

January 26, 2016

On Monday afternoon I was over at the Bloomberg West headquarters as a guest on their 4PM show "What'd You miss?". This is a show that I've appeared on a few times from New York, so it was cool to see their San Francisco studios. My take is that the snack bar in the Lexington Avenue building in New York is much better, but the view of the Bay in San Francisco beats the view of Queens, NY all day. So we'll chalk it up as a tie.

Anyway, last time I was on the show back in December we wanted to be short the S&P500, Apple and Emerging Markets while simultaneously buying U.S. Treasury Bonds. This has worked out very well over the past month as stocks got crushed to start the year, so we couldn't be happier. Now, although a lot of our tactical downside targets were hit last week, including Apple into the low 90s, structurally things have actually gotten worse. I think going forward, any strength should be used as an opportunity to sell into and much lower prices are coming for U.S. Stocks.

Here is the full interview:

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