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Video: Investing In 2016 Using Intermarket Analysis

January 15, 2016

We held a free webinar this week to show off our new ChartBook and discuss how to best invest for 2016 using intermarket analysis. At All Star Charts, we use a global top/down approach in order to take the weight-of-the-evidence in Stocks, Commodities, Currencies and Interest Rates to come up with a theme. Once we have a major global theme, we will break it down to specific U.S. Sectors or Country ETFs and either buy or short individual ETFs or stocks to express our theme using strict risk management procedures


After ringing in the New Year, we wanted to extend a limited time offer to our readers. By clicking the link below, you save $300 off the annual membership or $100 off the quarterly membership. This offer expires at midnight on Sunday, so act now to lock in these savings for the life of your membership!

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