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Miami This Week For The Finance Festival

November 4, 2015


This weekend I will be joining a lot of my friends down in Miami, FL for the first annual Finance Festival. Although I've lived in New York for 15 years and currently out in northern California working on some new things for Eagle Bay Capital, LLC and All Star Charts, Miami is my home town. I didn't leave the nest until I was 18 years old, but since then I make about 4-5 trips a year. Usually my trips are for family functions and/or sporting events, but for once I finally get to go down there to talk charts. I couldn't be more festival

On Sunday morning I will be on a panel moderated by Dan Nathan. I'll be joined by Scott Redler, Stanly Dash and Michael Gayed discussing the tactical approach to 2016. Here are the details:

finance festival panel info

I will be arriving to Miami late Wednesday night for some meetings and dinner with the Family. Since I'm staying through Sunday and not flying out until Monday, feel free to reach out to me if you are interested in discussing any of the products that we offer including Market Research and Asset Management, or even if you just want to introduce yourself and say hi. Please use and include in the subject line: Finance Festival.

This is a special event for me because I will be down in Miami with a lot of friends that I've never been down there with and also because Miami doesn't have these types of events too often. Living in New York for so long, I could attend or speak at these all the time. But down there, they're starving for stuff like this. Hopefully this is the start of a new trend. Selfishly, as both a Miami native and someone who can't visit enough, I hope so and I'm willing to help the cause in any way I can.

Here is the full program for the event this week:

Finance Festival 2015 in Miami

See you down there!

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