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Audio: Benzinga Morning Radio Show 2-26-15

February 26, 2015

Every Thursday morning I've been coming on the Benzinga morning radio show and it's a lot of fun. This crew appreciates the technicals and they understand that it's not so much about being right, but about making money. The only reason we are in the market in the first place is to profit from it. That's it, and they get that. Risk management is always priority numero uno.

Today we went over the Natural Gas trade and where we want to be in and where we don't. Social media continues to be a space that I like and we go over the group as a whole, linkedin and facebook. McDonald's is a name that bigger picture I really like. I simply do not believe in triple tops and if you look at a weekly chart, we have 3 peaks. On a fourth or fifth test of that overhead supply just above $100, I think we breakout and go on to new all-time highs.

Here is the audio in full:

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