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Structural Bull Market in Tech, Not So Much for Financials

July 26, 2012

When markets crash, and I mean really crash, we shouldn't expect anything but Time to fix the problem. It's not a single event that marks the bottom, it's a process.

We've written about the structural bull market in the Nasdaq100 that appears to be getting going (see here). But the Financials still have a long way to go. Remember, they just crashed a few years ago. Technology, on the other hand, was a decade ago.

Louise Yamada, one of the best that ever did it, was on CNBC last night explaining the differences in their structural pictures. She points to the relative strength in Tech and Financials as the important charts to watch. I have to agree.

Her Analysis gets going at the 4:28 mark:


Technical Signals Point to Structural Bull Market (CNBC)


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