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Wide World of Charts

May 1, 2012

Trend Charts & Investor Sentiment Signal S&P500 May Surpass 2012 High (Bloomberg)

Small Specs Become the Big Long in S&P Futures (PeterLBrandt)

$SPX 1200 or 1600 - An Imminent Move is Upon Us (StockCharts)

Finding the Short-term Levels in $CMG (AfraidToTrade)

Election Year Stats for Sell in May (StockTradersAlmanac)

How to Master Trading Discomfort to Improve Your Results (Brian Lund)

Stay in Stocks or Sell in May? (Forbes)

Bands of Support Being Tested in $IWM $XLF $SPY $QQQ (Alphatrends)

Is the Market Cheap? Historic S&P Price & P/E Ratio Charts (dshort)

Indian Markets in Time Correction above 200 day SMA (Shravan Dharmaraj)

Citigroup Technical Analyst Fitzpatrick Bullish Gold, Oil, & US Dollar (KWN)

High Yield Funds Are Showing Relative Strength (ChrisKimble)

Tom Brakke Looks at Stocks vs Bonds (ResearchPuzzle)

Inflation-Adjusted S&P500 Earnings (ChartOfTheDay)

Sports Chart - NBA Playoff Wins by Team Since 2001 (BusinessInsider)



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