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Wide World of Charts

February 1, 2012

2011 Sector Performances vs January 2012 (Bespoke)

Why Peter Brandt Believes the S&P's Will Reach 1517 (PeterLBrandt)

John Bollinger on Golden Crosses & Seasonal Patterns (CNBC)

Is the Stock Market Cheap? Inf-Adj Price with P/E Ratio (dshort)

Adam Johnson on Tom DeMark's Trading Call (BloombergTV)

Seasonality: February is the Worst House in a Great Neighborhood (Phil Pearlman)

Iron Ore is a Better Indicator than Baltic Dry Index (PragCap)

Six-Month CDs vs CPI for all Urban Consumers (Weakonomics)

Home Prices are Still Falling (WashingtonPost)

Another Golden Cross - This Time in High Yields (Chris Kimble)

Two Tech Companies $ARW $AKAM Ready to Breakout of Bullish Flags (Greg Harmon)

The Silliness of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (CBS News)

Moving Averages: Month-End Update (dshort)

Interactive Charting of the Life & Death of Our Greatest Companies (Fathom)

Greg Schnell: Finding Market Tops (Stockcharts)

30 Year Positive Real Yields And What It All Means (PragCap)

Sign up for Market Technicians Association Annual Symposium Apr 19-20 (MTA)



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