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Wide World of Charts

January 27, 2012

Carter Worth: Dow Jones Industrial Average has Memory here (CNBC)

Psychological Leverage for Traders (DerekHernquist)

'Extreme' S&P500 Momentum, $VIX Signal Drop (Bloomberg)

Greg Harmon Charts the Problem in Europe (DragonflyCapital)

James Bianco Charts: Living in a QE World (Ritholtz)

Chart o' the Day: Spanish Unemployment (TRB)

Arthur Hill: Spot Light Crude Forms Bull Wedge (StockCharts)

US Debt Limit vs Gold Prices (ZeroHedge)

Video: Phil Pearlman on Short Term Trading (GlobeAndMail)

Ugly Action in Regional Banks (ChrisKimble)

All the GDP Charts You've Ever Wanted (dshort)

Video: Robert Prechter on the Mind of Money (ElliottWave)

Real GDP Increased 2.8% Annual Rate in Q4 (CalculatedRisk)



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